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TOP : The external link of an Amoeba Blog is not
Poster : sys_admin on 2011-09-14 15:19:05 (2181 reads)

I received the report that the blog currently written by Amoeba Blog could not be displayed by Cutown.

When I investigated, I checked that use of the external link offered by  Amoeba Blog  was changed, and it was impossible to reflect the blog of  Amoeba Blog  in the diary of Cutown in an old setup.

This problem is avoidable by the following method.

TOP  >  Diary  >  sys_admin  >  Changing the setting of the diary

Selection of blog    Others It chooses.

Both "URL of external blog " and "URL of RSS " are inputted.

About URL of RSS Let's copy & paste URL displayed after clicking this picture.



Moreover, external blogs in a Cutown diary, such as Amoeba Blog and a Yahoo! blog, and information dissemination within Cutown You can make it intermingled.



The category of a diary is classified.

The people with two or more external blogs are " Amoeba Blog ", an "excitement blog", etc. It will be intelligible if the name of an external blog is made into a category.

A setup of an external blog can be performed for every category, respectively.

It is also possible to indicate by list and to manage two or more blogs in a unified manner by doing this work.

Please utilize.



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