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Poster : sys_admin on 2011-08-29 17:52:31 (778 reads)

The access was limited for about 30 minutes for maintenance that undertook the diary function expansion of Cutown.

Maintenance is completed, and operation is being confirmed now.

It troubled the people who used it very much.

Poster : sys_admin on 2011-08-12 17:09:07 (1677 reads)

Up to now, though it is a Tohoku revival support project that has been told in CuTOWN. At last, the service of earthquake revival Nabis started.


The first support destination is 'Oshika peninsula cheerleaders. ' It is an organization to which the people who had been managing the processed marine products industry in Miyagi Prefecture were mainly formed by fishermen on each beach.

The local input is drawn up centering on the Miyagi Prefecture Oshika peninsula.Please cooperate a lot widely of knowing to offer necessary a necessary thing the activities of striving men.

Moreover, the credit card remittance using credit paypal and the offer of the system of the remittance by the transfer began from earthquake revival Nabis at the same time, too.

Please cooperate in support by the remittance by all means.

Your money is remitted directly to the support destination. the activity of the support destination can be followed in CuTOWN contents such as the diary, communities, and forums.

Please you must wish the revival, and use the CuTOWN Tohoku revival support project that can support the person, the town, and the region directly.

The information sending is scheduled to be helped widely in CuTOWN regardless of the individual in the future, the enterprise or the group.

Please feel free to inquire of the people who receive the damage of this East Japan great earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear accident.

Poster : sys_admin on 2011-07-14 15:37:15 (878 reads)

The page of the Tohoku revival support project was updated.

The page of a detailed outline etc. joined.

Please register the person who can cooperate and participate in the project in Cu-town by all means.

It will inform them of the progress report of the project and I inform you of it with the Cu mail.

My best regards.

Cu-town management secretariat

Poster : sys_admin on 2011-07-14 15:16:33 (853 reads)

Urgent maintenance was executed from about 9 o'clock on the night, July 14 to about 10 AM of the 15th at the data center of the Cutown accommodation.

It is a cause that the delay by an external attack to the data center is generated, and security corresponded.

Please continue your favors toward Cu-town in the future.

Cu-town management secretariat

Poster : sys_admin on 2011-07-14 10:00:00 (926 reads)

It did not lead to the service of Cu-town due to the network trouble of the data center by 15:00. It is restoring it now. I am sorry to users for multiplying the trouble. Please continue your favors toward Cu-town in the future.

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